
How To Get A Mole Removed For Free

I have this mole on my face, it is so ugly and it makes me feel very self concious/paranoid about people staring at it, however people have told me and from researching on the internet I've found out that the NHS won't remove it for cosmetic reasons.
The thing is though, it has gotten bigger over the last month or so and theres a small patch underneath it that looks as if its going to spread to it... and I read that if a mole has grown bigger or changed shape that the GP will usually refer you to get it removed, do I have any ground to stand on here? I'm technically not lying although I do want it removed mainly for cosmetic reasons.
Has anyone here had moles removed on the NHS or could be of any useful input please?

Only if the mole signalled skin cancer, which can happen. But otherwise no. The only chances you have is if you have skin cancer, and I think that you will have bigger problems than a mole then.

I would suggest speaking to your GP about it. If the mole is benign then it is incredibly, incredibly unlikely the NHS will remove it - now more so than ever with the strain of a non-increasing budget starting to impact services. Because as you've correctly identified, if it poses no threat than it is essentially superficial cosmetic surgery you're undergoing and is not essential. But if you are concerned about the patch underneath, speak to your GP who will know more about it and will either give you advice or refer you to an appropriate specialist for their opinion.

I got a big one on my back removed because I kept knocking it and catching it on clothes tags which hurt. After one particularly bad knock on the garage door (I was pulling it down to close it and didn't get out of the way in time - like a moron - and knocked my back) it started bleeding all over the place. Blood totally pouring down my back. So I decided to get it removed.
Went to the GP, he asked why I wanted it removing, I explained that I kept catching/knocking it, and he said ok, and I had it removed a couple of weeks later on the NHS.

So it's not just if it's cancerous that they remove it, though I think it has to be more than just being a cosmetic reason.

I had a large mole on my chest removed about 2-3weeks ago that i had since birth, this was not on the NHS..i had to go private and pay about £400-£500 (mole excision) in total because it was categorised as cosmetic surgery and wanted it removed for 'vanity' reasons and because the mole wasn't cancerous...

I suggest you go too your GP, then they will decide if there's the potential for the mole to become dangerous which case you will get the mole removed for free (on the NHS) if it shows since of being/becoming cancerous (they will do a pathology test).
They might refer you too a dermatologist depending on certain characteristics of the mole because of factors such as size, texture, depth and position of the mole which depend on how the mole could be removed...theres lazer surgery where they literally just zap it off, excision where they burn the mole away or excision where its cut out (this is what i had and had to have stitches) also if its removed by excision you will probs be left with a scar - whether the scar will fade or not ..i dont know

Hope i could be of help

I'm not too sure about moles but have a word with your GP if you haven't already done so. He may be able to refer you to a dermatologist who can run some tests and give you more advice. My high school friend had a fairly large mole on his chin. Though I am against doing anything of such sort without proper medical advice and guidance, he actually managed to remove the top part his mole himself with a scalpel. He was sick of the torment everyone gave him and thought he may as well go for it. Mind you, it was bleeding a lot once cut - but you know what the funny part is? has grown back (-_-).

(Original post by Jin3011)
I'm not too sure about moles but have a word with your GP if you haven't already done so. He may be able to refer you to a dermatologist who can run some tests and give you more advice. My high school friend had a fairly large mole on his chin. Though I am against doing anything of such sort without proper medical advice and guidance, he actually managed to remove the top part his mole himself with a scalpel. He was sick of the torment everyone gave him and thought he may as well go for it. Mind you, it was bleeding a lot once cut - but you know what the funny part is? has grown back (-_-).

No way! I'd be too scared of doing that myself, the thought of even touching it makes me feel a little sick , I have read on the internet that applying apple cider vinegar will remove it and I've read a lot of success stories, but I think I'd even be too scared to try that, especially as its on my face.

(Original post by Daaanz)
No way! I'd be too scared of doing that myself, the thought of even touching it makes me feel a little sick , I have read on the internet that applying apple cider vinegar will remove it and I've read a lot of success stories, but I think I'd even be too scared to try that, especially as its on my face.

Nor would I recommend it But speak to your GP to see how to go about everything.

(Original post by Daaanz)
I have this mole on my face, it is so ugly and it makes me feel very self concious/paranoid about people staring at it, however people have told me and from researching on the internet I've found out that the NHS won't remove it for cosmetic reasons.
The thing is though, it has gotten bigger over the last month or so and theres a small patch underneath it that looks as if its going to spread to it... and I read that if a mole has grown bigger or changed shape that the GP will usually refer you to get it removed, do I have any ground to stand on here? I'm technically not lying although I do want it removed mainly for cosmetic reasons.
Has anyone here had moles removed on the NHS or could be of any useful input please?

Go to your GP if it has grown. You are best to say it is itchy/bleeding ( even if it isn't) Point out that it has grown. (Don't say it makes you feel ugly) You will probably need to see a plastic surgeon because it is on your face.

I had one removed from my back - it became very itchy. The scar it has left is pretty awful though - hence the plastic surgeon

(Original post by Daaanz)
I have this mole on my face, it is so ugly and it makes me feel very self concious/paranoid about people staring at it, however people have told me and from researching on the internet I've found out that the NHS won't remove it for cosmetic reasons.
The thing is though, it has gotten bigger over the last month or so and theres a small patch underneath it that looks as if its going to spread to it... and I read that if a mole has grown bigger or changed shape that the GP will usually refer you to get it removed, do I have any ground to stand on here? I'm technically not lying although I do want it removed mainly for cosmetic reasons.
Has anyone here had moles removed on the NHS or could be of any useful input please?

And damn right they shouldn't. The NHS is not there to provide a beauty service. It's called the National Health Service for a reason. Don't say "oh it's making me depressed over it". It's not essential, and if you want it removed, you will damn use your own money to get it removed. The NHS's budget is stretched so much people can't get the cancer drugs they need.

If you want to get rid of it so badly - get it done with private healthcare. Taxpayers all over the country would be disgusted if your mole got taken care of but the NHS (for essentially cosmetic reasons), and little children could not afford the drugs they need to stay alive.

If it's not cancerous and it's not actively harming your health you either live with it, or pay for it.

(Original post by im so academic)
And damn right they shouldn't. The NHS is not there to provide a beauty service. It's called the National Health Service for a reason. Don't say "oh it's making me depressed over it". It's not essential, and if you want it removed, you will damn use your own money to get it removed. The NHS's budget is stretched so much people can't get the cancer drugs they need.

If you want to get rid of it so badly - get it done with private healthcare. Taxpayers all over the country would be disgusted if your mole got taken care of but the NHS (for essentially cosmetic reasons), and little children could not afford the drugs they need to stay alive.

If it's not cancerous and it's not actively harming your health you either live with it, or pay for it.

I have already said I know they will not remove it for cosmetic reasons. But it has gotten bigger, they may decide to remove it for that reason.

(Original post by Daaanz)
I have already said I know they will not remove it for cosmetic reasons. But it has gotten bigger, they may decide to remove it for that reason.

It's still a cosmetic reason. "It's too big" is not a satisfactory justification for them to waste money on something you should get it done privately.

(Original post by im so academic)
It's still a cosmetic reason. "It's too big" is not a satisfactory justification for them to waste money on something you should get it done privately.

I'm not saying I'm getting it done because its too big. I'm saying they may want to remove it because its gotten bigger in the last month, moles are dangerous and you're supposed to keep an eye on any changes and go to a GP if they do.

(Original post by Daaanz)
I'm not saying I'm getting it done because its too big. I'm saying they may want to remove it because its gotten bigger in the last month, moles are dangerous and you're supposed to keep an eye on any changes and go to a GP if they do.

I'm not stupid. I did know that, however (just as another user has commented), if the mole is benign there is not medical reason to get rid of it.

Sorry, as someone who suffers from over 150 moles, I think your mocking comment that 'Oh, it's making me depressed' is actually quite offensive. The NHS is a health service for all kinds of illnesses, including mental. Being disgusted and repulsed by your own body to the extent that you cover your whole body 24/7 due to worries of melanoma, or even from previous experiences of being bullied. Subsequently actually meaning you can't do many things because of your depression of it DOES seem like a legit reason to be able to have them removed. People have their breasts increased on the NHS, so why not having something more serious such as moles removed?
And I honestly cant take your children with cancer are dying due to no medication seriously, as this is a minority group no doubt and you can't rate the entire NHS on one example.
so yeah. Rant over.

P.S IF the mole is getting bigger I would get it checked out by a dermatologist.

(Original post by Daaanz)
I have this mole on my face, it is so ugly and it makes me feel very self concious/paranoid about people staring at it, however people have told me and from researching on the internet I've found out that the NHS won't remove it for cosmetic reasons.
The thing is though, it has gotten bigger over the last month or so and theres a small patch underneath it that looks as if its going to spread to it... and I read that if a mole has grown bigger or changed shape that the GP will usually refer you to get it removed, do I have any ground to stand on here? I'm technically not lying although I do want it removed mainly for cosmetic reasons.
Has anyone here had moles removed on the NHS or could be of any useful input please?

If you can prove that the mole has changed in any way, shape or form then they should refer you to a dermatology clinic to get it checked and possibly removed. If I were you I'd take pictures of it to monitor any change and you can show them to your GP to back yourself up.

(Original post by im so academic)
And damn right they shouldn't. The NHS is not there to provide a beauty service. It's called the National Health Service for a reason. Don't say "oh it's making me depressed over it". It's not essential, and if you want it removed, you will damn use your own money to get it removed. The NHS's budget is stretched so much people can't get the cancer drugs they need.

If you want to get rid of it so badly - get it done with private healthcare. Taxpayers all over the country would be disgusted if your mole got taken care of but the NHS (for essentially cosmetic reasons), and little children could not afford the drugs they need to stay alive.

If it's not cancerous and it's not actively harming your health you either live with it, or pay for it.

As someone who's had skin cancer and has tons of moles and lives with the constant fear that one of them is going to change ever so slightly and turns out to be another melanoma - I really find your comment to be out of order. Even if it is for cosmetic reasons, the OP stated that the mole has changed ever so slightly - that'd be enough for me to want it to be removed. People have laser removal to have a birth mark removed due to cosmetic reasons, people also get boob/nose jobs on the NHS for the same reasons so why should this be any different?

And if the OP pays his taxes then why shouldn't he get it done on the NHS?

I am a 'moley' person and so far I have had 6 removed, 4 of them were on my body and where just done in the GP clinic and they have left quite large scars, but large scars are better than large, uneven, bleeding moles! Thankfully none of them were melanomas but they were all dodgy!

I have also had two removed from my face by a plastic surgeon, and whilst these may have been classed as 'vanity' procedures (which makes me laugh as I am not a vain person) my quality of life has increased dramatically since having it done. One mole was on my chin and was massive an prone to bleeding but the worst one was on my cheek and was so prominent I could see it whenever I glanced down and I made me the target of random unprovoked verbal abuse from total strangers which destroyed my confidence and exacerbated the depression I was suffering from at the time.

I am now left with two small scars which aren't that noticeable but I can cover them up with make up if I wish, and I now feel confident again. I'm no beauty, never have been, never will be, but at least I no longer get random abuse from strangers, so from my experiences I don't think there is anything wrong with 'vanity' procedures on the NHS.

Posted from TSR Mobile

Hi guys, can I ask what yous paid to have your moles removed. I have one on my chin that I'm getting removed however my GP told me I wouldn't get this on the NHS, which I understand but would just like to know about the cost for private treatment. Thanks

If you want to get them removed on the NHS it has to be a non cosmetic reason

For me it was because it interfered with my shaving, I had little hairs growing out of them as well and when shaven tended to itch.

I went private in the end because the waiting lists were really long, me and my dad went to see the dermatologists and he included the mole removals in the consultation on the insurance bill because it was like a 5 minute job to him

On the private I could of had them all removed but i really couldn't be arsed as only a couple were 'raised' and interfered with my hygiene habits.

Hope that was some help?

tl;dr NHS - non cosmetic reason Private - cosmetic and non cosmetic

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How To Get A Mole Removed For Free


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